Illamasqua – Raindrops (reissue)

If you follow a lot of nail polish blogs, or if you are a blogger yourself, you may well have heard about Illamasqua Raindrops.  Its been going on auction sites for a ridiculous amount of money.  Anyway, the lovely people at Illamasqa have decided to re-release it and I was lucky enough to pick one up at my local counter.  According to staff it had already been out a number of weeks so it seems like a bit of soft launch.  Anyway, here come the pictures…..

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Boy, its pretty gray polish with hints of blue and sparkle.  A word of warning here, it is super sheer, incredibly sheer.  What you see above is four coats.  Formula is a tad on the runny side so flooding cuticles are a distinct possibility.  However a bit of time and patience gives a lovely colour pay off.  Drying time is on the fast side so four coats doesn’t take much longer. The brush is pretty good, its quite thin but you can probably paint most of your nails in three strokes.  The brush comes directly out from the square cap and its quite quick to get use to working with.

I base coated with Essie Trillionails (still having issues with weak nails and I think this is now discontinued but can be picked up from some etailers) and top coated with Seche Vite.  The Seche did cause a minot tip of shrinkage however the wear was good and I had two days before I was itching to change my polish.

You can purchase Illamasqua from their website (shipping is worldwide) or in certain stores that have a concession, in the UK this would be Selfridges, some Debenhams or at one of the stand alone stores.  You can find the UK ones here. Retail is £13.50 and its worth signing up to the enewsletter as sometimes you get free shipping or percentage discounts.

Is Raindrops on your wish list?

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3 thoughts on “Illamasqua – Raindrops (reissue)

  1. Pingback: Best of British | Painted Nails & Baking Scales

  2. I can’t wait to get this beautiful polish! It’s on my wish list. I love the way it looks as it you have real raindrops on your nails with the little sparkles.


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